Air Cooling & Care - Singapore Furniture

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a woman sitting on a couch with the text mega home appliance buying guide 10 best air conditioners in singapore
10 Best Air Conditioners in Singapore (Energy-Saving Too)
Check out these 10 Best Energy-Efficient Air Conditioners for every cooling requirement and budget range in Singapore to help you choose what's best for your home!
a man fixing an air conditioner in singapore
Air Cooler vs. Air Conditioner (Which One Do You Need?)
Should you buy an air conditioner or an air cooler? Read this helpful guide before making an important decision.
an advertisement for air purifier vs humidifier and comparison guide on the right
Air Purifier vs. Humidifier vs. Diffuser: Comparison Guide
Air purifiers, humidifiers, and diffusers are some reliable appliances that enhance the quality of your indoor air. But what’s the difference between these devices? Which one do you need for your home? Click to learn more.
a white air cooler sitting on top of a table next to a potted plant
Are Air Coolers Effective Against the Summer Heat?
Will an air cooler really do its job? Is it worth its affordable price? Let’s talk about how an evaporative air cooler works in this guide.
a white air cooler sitting on top of a hard wood floor next to a chair
Is an Air Cooler Safe to Use?
An air cooler or evaporative cooler is an effective and economical solution to tackle hot and dry weather. The good news is that it consumes less electricity than an AC. But is it safe to use? Read this guide to learn more.
a white air purifier sitting on top of a wooden floor next to a wall
A Comprehensive Buying Guide to Dehumidifiers
When your home's humid indoor air causes you to sneeze and feel uncomfortable, it's time to control the humidity levels in your home. Here's a quick dehumidifier buying guide to help you get started.
a white air purifier sitting on top of a table
How Many Air Purifiers Do You Need for Your Home?
It's generally recommended to place an air purifier in each room. But you can put at least one air purifier in the most used rooms in your home. So, which rooms are your top priorities?
a ceiling fan with the words, why do most ceiling fans have blades?
Why Do Most Ceiling Fans Have 3 Blades?
Why 🤔 Does the number of blades affect the performance of a ceiling fan? To learn more, read this quick guide.
a fan sitting on top of a window sill in front of a white curtain
Can a Fan Drive Mosquitoes Away?
If mosquitoes keep buzzing around and keeping you from enjoying your day and your night’s rest, your fan can help you drive the nuisance away. Or not?
a hand holding a remote control with the text mega home appliances understanding air conditioner remote controls
What Do the Symbols on Your Air Conditioner Remote Control Mean?
Read this quick guide to familiarise yourself with the various air conditioning symbols and learn to use them to their full potential.
an air purifier with the text mega home appliances can an air purifier help with my allergies?
Can an Air Purifier Help with My Allergies?
The promise of air purifiers is hard to resist. Who wouldn’t want to enjoy better indoor air quality? Here's how an air purifier can help people with allergies.
a person holding a remote control next to an air conditioner and a plant with white flowers
Air Cooling & Care
The temperature within your home directly affects your mood, even your health. Having cool air in your abode makes you feel comfortable and safe from heat-related illnesses. To find products that can help you keep your home refreshing, click this link.