New Delhi, India
2nd to 4th May 2025
3 Days Of Coaching And Become A Powerful Public Speaker
Speak With Power, Poise And Pizzazz
Learn the success secrets of the greatest speakers in the world.
Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg address.
Winston Churchill’s speech in parliament during the second world war.
John F Kennedy’s famous speech where he said, “Ask not, what the country can do for you. Ask, what you can do for your country”.
Martin Luther King’s famous speech: “I have a dream” inspired the nation to change the course of history.
The greatest leaders in the world were also the greatest communicators. People only want to follow the leaders who can communicate effectively and inspire them
1. It builds high self-esteem. When a person is able to speak in public effectively, their self-worth and self-confidence go up. Overcoming the fear of speaking in public is a great achievement and becomes a tremendous self-esteem booster.
2. Your ability to communicate one on one goes up. The confidence gained through public speaking makes one on one communication a lot easier. Hence, it impacts relationships.
3. Helps you gain credibility and recognition.
4. You are perceived as an expert.
5. You can leverage your position through the power of the platform.
6. It gives you the ability to inspire, influence, and get results.
7. It opens up growth opportunities in every area of your life.
8. It sharpens your mind – helps you be more prepared to think on your feet.
9. It gives you a competitive advantage over others.
Visual – the speaker is the biggest visual
Vocal – it’s not what we say, how we say
Verbal – the strength of content.